Friday 10 August 2012

Weekend Warm-Up : Head in the Game

Happy Weekend! Happy Friday first of all!

I havent't kept up to my usual quota of blog posts for this week but you might just understand due to my last post. My head is slowly getting back in the game and my focus has shifted a tiny bit. I want to help people be aware of all the possible chemicals and processed ingredients that they may be feeding their bodies on a daily basis. The best way to avoid these pesky toxins from your body is eating a diet full of fresh fruit, fresh veggies and fresh seafood (or organic meat). I'll be doing a post coming up on how to navigate the grocery stores to avoid common unhealthy choices.

I'll admit that I don't usually go for the Organic Fruits and Veggies but that is my latest goal. I know that eating foods covered with pesticides and chemicals is no good for my body or yours. This is just another way to avoid cancer cells developing our bodies. Have you heard of the dirty dozen? It's the list of fruits and veggies to always buy organic and the ones that are low in pesticides. Here's a convenient way to remember.

img source

Here are my interesting finds from around the web this week:

Have a wonderful weekend!



  1. Hey friend! I just nominated you for the Liebster Blog Award, congratulations so come by and accept it :) Hope you're having a lovely weekend. By the way, if your mom tackled this before I know she can again - - thinking of you and sending my prayers your way!!

  2. Thanks Cathy! and thanks for the well wishes. You are right.. she's done it once, she can do it again with confidence! ;)


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