Friday, 8 June 2012

This Weeks Wind-up

What's the plans for this weekend?

Where's the sunshine?!

It's been rainy and gloomy here in Vancouver for a week now. It's actually pretty unusual for this time of year. We are getting out of the house tonight and going to head to a local restaurant to have some appies and drinks. For me, it's a must to get out for dinner once a week. We live on the outside border of Vancouver and there isn't alot of variety in the restuarants. We (bf & I) always debate moving downtown as we both miss going out more often. Although we know it will save us TONS of money for the future/dreams of ours. Have to remember to look at the bigger picture!

I'm coming into the second weekend of the e-course "Blogging Your Way" and I am loving all the incredible blogs out there. Lots of online blog reading for me coming up! It's been great meeting everyone who's taking the course too.

  • Another reason why you should read the ingredients on anything that is packaged to eat. Take a look at the fine print on this one. Broken down it's clear to see there's nothing nutritional about it.

  • I love all flowers! My aunts a florist and I think I picked up the bug from her. Here's a great new series on the meaning behind different flowers.

  • Having a weak moment and need some great comfort food but want to still stay healthy? I'm trying out this cheesy QUINOA casserole this weekend. Mmmm hope it turns out good!

Have a wonderful weekend!



  1. I'll be PACKING and need to choose paint for my bedroom! Thanks for stopping by my blog! Have a great weekend! xo

  2. The quinoa casserole sounds amazing!

  3. quinoa casserole - yum! just followed your blog from BYW!


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