Monday, 4 June 2012

Monday: off on the right foot: Getting Back on Track

Where do you need to get back on track in your life?

Tomorrow is a new day to start over!

With my recent offbeat week and spending the whole weekend house cleaning where I choose to eat nothing of the healthy kind, it's time for ME to get back on track. After eating processed foods in the last few days my body has given me a huge signal, "that's enough, thanks!". My mood has turned sour and my body looks a little, let's say..... puffed out.

Here's some tips of how to get back on track health/food wise:

  1. Accept that you were off your plan for a bit and now move on (no pitty party invites put out)
  2. Start slow. Think about each meal and have it planned in your head. Going back to the basics and reviewing your diet plan can help you stay on course. Planning your meals also helps you avoid the last minute "I don't know what to eat.... snacks look good" that leave you unfulfilled and still hungry.
  3. Remind yourself of how good it felt when your body was living off of clean food. Yes that ice cream cone dipped in chocolate may look really good right now and may take that edge off of your sour mood but I bet the feeling of being clean and lean feels 10 times better. 
  4. One step at a time and soon it will all just be natural habits again.
  5. Water, water, and some more water. Remember that water is a huge part of being healthy and can help clear out any of those lingering toxins. Nasty buggers.

How do you get back on track? Any tips?


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