Thursday, 17 October 2013

Pink Kicker Juice Recipe

Here's an awesome tasting juice recipe that I created this week. I wanted it to help prevent colds, good for your blood and help prevent bad cell growth. The best part of this juice is that it's super easy and refreshing to drink. No need to guzzle this one down. It actually tastes pretty similar to a tomato cocktail. I call it the "Pink Kicker" as it helps kick those nasty bad cells in your body to the curb and it's just in time for Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

The grapefruit and tomato in the juice both contain large amounts of vitamin C and antioxidants that help keep your immune system running smoothly. Grapefruit and tomato also contain a very lovely thing called Lycopene which helps lower your risk of several different kinds of cancer and also helps stop cancer cells from spreading or growing.

The beets in the juice contain high amounts of antioxidants. They help detox the body and provide anti-inflammatory support. There are several vitamins and minerals found in beets as well. Beets are rich in anthocyanins, the pigment that makes the beet red, and is responsible for the repair and protection of DNA in the body. 

Pink Kicker Juice Recipe 
One large grapefruit 
One large tomato 
Half red apple 
One medium beet 
Beet greens from the beet


Holistic Health Coach 

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