Monday, 3 December 2012

We Are Engaged!

We got engaged while in Varadero, Cuba on November 25th!

We are super excited and can't wait to see all our friends and family to celebrate. Scott was amazing and absolutely surprised me. I had an idea we would get engaged sometime soon but I didn't think he had anything planned for this trip.

I'm in love with my engagement ring!
During the day we took a long walk down the beach and we ended up standing on a cliff with the ocean in front of us and no one around. I mentioned to him that it would be a great place for someone to get married as you could look over the water and hear the waves crash. I turned around to him and he was staring at me. He said "What if we got engaged here?". I instantly thought he was joking but he walked closer and closer to me and was reaching into his "murse" (lol). He pulled out a piece of tissue while I continued to have a little freak out in my head. Then he put the ring on my finger and asked me to marry him. Of course there was a lot more mushy words said after.

Our Engagement Spot

During the whole time I was crying, good tears. At one point Scott asked me if I liked the ring and I said "I can't see it, I can't see down because I have too many tears" lol. Luckily a couple just happened to walk by when everything was done and we asked them to take a picture of us. We both look like a total mess as we had just spent most of the day on the beach and just finished crying our faces off! It was nice to capture the moment though.

Still in shock but so happy

I had to take a second and sit down on the cliff. I couldn't believe what just happened. We got up after a couple minutes and walked back to our resort along the beach. We kept stopping and hugging and talking about how we couldn't believe we were engaged and going to get married. Once we got to our spot on the beach Scott ordered some champagne (in our fancy plastic cups) and as we toasted to our new engagement & future together. Over the next few days it started to hit us how much planning we had to do in the coming months! and omg we are getting married!

I'm still on cloud nine and it was so exciting to call everyone once we touched down in Vancouver. 



  1. congratulations - what a beautiful spot AND ring!! so happy for you! :)

  2. Hi Michelle! So I've been meaning to congratulate you since I read this post awhile ago but every time I tried to comment at work, it wouldn't allow me. I'm SO thrilled for you and can't wait to hear more about it girl. I hope you had a lovely New Years!

    Cathy Trails


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